I’m Amy.

Welcome to my blog. I write about food, nutrition, life with Type 1 Diabetes, and anything else that inspires me.

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Recipe for a Joyful Life

Recipe for a Joyful Life

Recipe for a Joyful Life

Featured in this photo is my Grandma Elaine’s mom in her kitchen. She served as the matriarch for so many, and taught lessons about food and love to her kids and grandkids. I was lucky enough to have learned those lessons and try to guide my life by them each day.

Servings | Enough for All


3 cups love
2 cups warmth
1 cup compassion
1 cup forgiveness
1 cup friends
1 cup family
4 spoons hope
2 spoons tenderness
1 pint faith
1 barrel of laughter


Combine love and warmth. Mix thoroughly with tenderness. Add compassion and forgiveness. Blend with friends and family. Sprinkle with hope. Stir in faith and laughter. Bake with sunshine. Serve daily in generous helpings.

My grandma Elaine is one of my heroes, and the sweetest woman who ever graced the Earth. She taught me the art of compassion, how to live with empathy, and how to find strength in hard times. I think of her every day and try to live as selflessly as she did. Something tasty was always baking or cooking at Grandma’s house. Whether it was her family favorite zuckerkuchen, or a batch of homemade chicken noodle soup, you could always taste how much she loved you, no matter what she made.

Nacogdoches Texas Soup

Nacogdoches Texas Soup